Ace the Humber/Ontario Real Estate Course 1 Exam 2024 – Unlock Your Property Pro Potential!

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Jackson submitted a registration application to RECO but failed to disclose past termination due to suspicion of fraud. What can the Registrar do?

Accept the application but deny RECO insurance coverage

Deny the application due to non-disclosure

The correct answer is B. The Registrar can deny the application due to non-disclosure of past termination due to suspicion of fraud. In real estate, honesty and transparency are crucial, and failure to disclose such important information can call into question the individual's integrity and ethical standards. By not being forthright about past terminations related to fraud, the applicant may pose a risk to clients, the public, and the reputation of the real estate profession. Therefore, the Registrar has the authority to deny the application based on this non-disclosure. Options A, C, and D are incorrect because accepting the application with conditions, ignoring past transgressions, or overlooking non-disclosure would not be appropriate in this case. It is essential to uphold the standards of professionalism and trustworthiness in the real estate industry, and failure to disclose crucial information should result in application denial.

Ignore the past if it was more than 10 years ago

Accept the application if no charges were filed


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